Boost your X4 experience with our mobile app featuring:
- Interactive Production Explorer: Explore resource chains, wares, and production for every faction, with extensive details on module properties. More info
- Station Planner & Analyzer: Plan your dream stations and analyze existing ones with ease. More info
- Station Complex Analysis: Analyze groups of stations as a single, interconnected complex sharing wares with each other. This is something no other existing station planner can do! More info
- Automatic accounting for worker production bonuses when stations have Housing!
- Production reference charts (station-build tech, electronics tech, ship tech, etc).
- Integrated Production Explorer for streamlined planning.
- Full access in-app to the Player’s Handbook website.
- Always up-to-date for the latest X4 version and DLC.
Take advantage of free features or upgrade to pro when you’re ready to manage a larger empire. Free trial for all new subscribers!
Note: not affiliated with or endorsed by Egosoft. This website and the app are entirely independent self-funded projects. Supporting the app helps support development of both the app and this website!
No account is ever required
No user information is collected
No advertisements
Available from Google Play and the App Store
Screenshots (click to see full image):
FREE features for everyone:
- Interactive production explorer, with full trees for both Commonwealth and Terran production
- Production explorer includes per-faction variations in wares like Hull Parts, Medicines, and Food
- Station Planner + Analyzer, with full data on every resource, ware and station module in the game (Free version allows creation of up to 3 stations)
- Multi-station “virtual complex” system for analyzing separate stations as a collective group (Free version allows creation of 1 full multi-station complex)
- Convenient focused production charts for quick reference (construction wares, ship components, etc)
- Direct in-app access to the full Player’s Handbook website
Pro Upgrade features:
- Start, stop and re-start your subscription at any time, with no data loss.
- Create unlimited stations in the Station Planner!
- Create unlimited complexes in the Station Complex analyzer!
- Expanded production explorer, with data on inputs/hr, production/hr, housing requirements and capacity, and more.
- Full interaction between the Production Explorer and Station/Complex Planners, allowing you to check details of modules while working on your plans.
- Automatic calculation of factory production bonuses for stations that have Housing for workers — accurate for every factory module type!
Device support
The app is primarily designed and optimized for presentation on phone-size screens, but it also works well on tablet devices (iPad, Galaxy Tab, etc).
Available now for all android and iOS devices.
Please leave an App Store review if you’re able. Reviews are tremendously important for mobile apps.
If you have comments or questions, you can find contact information in the About page of this website.
There’s also a public GitHub.com repo if you’re the tech type and want to raise a question or note a concern:
Any/all feedback is welcome!