
Every ship has a spacesuit dock, and an elevator or “booth” that can be used to leave the ship.

You can also enter a ship spacesuit dock by comming and asking for docking permission.

Spacesuit use in X4 is automatic (you don the suit automatically by leaving the ship), and suits can’t be upgraded or alter except to add tools and more powerful thrusters.

The X4 spacesuit mode has “tools” instead of guns showing on the left side of the HUD. The same keybinds that select the active gun-set for a ship select a “tool” in the spacesuit.


Tools include:

  • Hand laser or hand blaster: used to activate some control panels and switches you’ll encounter (can be used as a weapon, but does very little damage)
  • Bomb launcher: used to launch spacesuit bombs and spacesuit EMP devices
  • Repair laser: used to repair satellites, small ships or ship surface components, and to activate some control panels and switches you’ll encounter

Tools will appear as options if you have the appropriate item in your inventory.

When the bomb launcher tool is selected, an icon will appear for the current bomb type (ammunition). If you are carrying multiple bomb types (e.g. spacesuit bomb, spacesuit EMP) then you can press the ammunition selection key to change to the next type. [See game settings to determine what key you have bound to the ammo selection function.]


Spacesuit movement is done with a combination of the ship “strafe” keys and ship boost/halt keys.

The boost (forward thrust) and halt functions work as they do in ships, giving you forward movement or bringing you to a complete halt.

The “strafe” key functions though, work a bit differently. In in a ship, strafe is temporary and you stop moving when you release the key. In the spacesuit, strafe gives you velocity in the chosen direction, and this persists after you release the key.

Once moving, to slow or stop yourself you’ll need to apply thrust to counter your existing movement.

Many players find it easier to simply use the Stop keybind to halt themselves, since this cancels all movement vectors automatically and brings you to a complete halt.