
Below is a list of the main story lines (including those from DLC’s), and how/where to find or activate them including known preconditions.

See also: main Story Lines starting point, for a discussion of how these story lines fit in the X4 experience.

See also: the Missions section for information about the randomly generated radiant mission system (unrelated to story missions).

Main / Player Headquarters

Requires: none

Activate by: Varies depending on game start and whether or not you have the Kingdom End DLC installed.

With Kingdom End:

  • default: the default is fly to Heretic’s End sector.
  • alternate: for Terran/Pioneer game starts, follow mission prompts when given and end up at a project in Brennan’s Triumph sector.

Without Kingdom End: the default is to scan station signal leaks until you get a conversation with a Boron.

See also: Main Quest

Hatikvah Trade Revolution

Requires: none

Activate by: Fly anywhere near the sector Hatikvah’s Choice.

Paranid Civil War

Requires: completed Hatikvah story, Dal Busta on player HQ, and positive relations with both HOP and PAR factions (one at least -9, the other at least +10).

Activate by: Dal Busta will contact you.

See: Paranid Civil War

Split Civil War

Requires: Split Vendetta DLC, completed Hatikvah story, Dal Busta on player HQ, and positive relations with both ZYA and FRF factions (one at least -9, the other at least +10).

Activate by: Dal Busta will contact you.

See: Split Civil War

Terran Solborn Militia

Requires: Cradle of Humanity DLC, +5 relations with TER faction

Activate by: flying into a Terran sector (e.g. Asteroid Belt)

Note that the Terran Cadet game start leads you into this story automatically.

Terran Covert Ops

Requires: Cradle of Humanity DLC, completion of Solborn Militia to start, Player HQ eventually

Activate by: talking to terran contact (the woman from Solborn Militia plot).

See: Terran Covert Ops

Terran Yaki Investigation

Requires: Cradle of Humanity DLC, completion of Solborn Militia to start, Player HQ eventually

Activate by: talking to Terran contact (the woman from Solborn Militia plot).

See: Yaki story details

Empyrean Curs (“VIG”)

Requires: Tides of Avarice DLC, possession of an illegal item, either in personal inventory or in ship’s cargo.
Activate by: flying into Windfall I sector.

Note that the Captured game start beings this plot automatically.

Northriver (“Avarice”)

Requires: Tides of Avarice DLC, none to start, Player HQ eventually

Activate by: flying into Avarice I sector.

Note: Events occur when you first enter Avarice. If you ignore the message about a ship in distress, you may or may not be able to begin this plot by returning later. (It requires a ship that exists in Avarice, and ignoring it may cause that ship to be destroyed before you return.)

Note: there is a teaser mission, “Stealing water” that occurs in Windfall III. This is not actually part of the Avarice/Northriver plot, and can be ignored if you wish. Its function is to set the stage with some story information, and to encourage you to visit Avarice I.

See: Northriver / Avarice

Provinces Adrift (“Boron”)

Requires: Kingdom End DLC

Start by: flying near dormant gate in Heretic’s End sector.

Note that the Boron game start begins this plot automatically.

Se: Boron Story details